Work Force

Trained Workforce and Supportive Welfare Programs

The high standard of the organization have to be delivered during execution of the services. The multinational workforce is trained and tutored to become disciplined cadre to give exactly the same service which is committed to the customers. The mixture of youth and experience provide the required ingredients for successful execution of the services. The growth in operations has enabled us to employ a large workforce of over 200. This workforce is ably supported by adequate logistic services.

We look after the welfare and security of our employees and provide them good housing, medical care, rest, recreation and catering. We have

Various incentive schemes to reward their skill, hard work and honesty. These measures keep their motivation high to meet their challenging work demands.

GREEN SHADOW GROUP OF COMPANIES LTD. was incorporated on November 27, 2021, as a subsidiary of Green Shadow Security Services L.L.C., a Dubai-based security services business currently operating in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

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